
Art and Books

He’s a Dragon

Indar Dzhendubaev, the Abazian filmmaker, known for his fantasy-style movies, sets sights on an Abkhaz plot

Photographer in a war

Anastasia Vlasova is doing photo reporting in Ukraine. “Somebody has to take photos,” she said

Medea and Jumber

The performance of “Medea” in Sukhum turned out to be no less intriguing than the story of the Argonauts 

High class film week

In Yerevan the 13th «Golden Apricot» International Film Festival began

Japan in Baku

Can the Japanese culture festival do without the cosplay? It has turned out that it actually cannot

"Homoerotic Dance" Condemned

This Adjarian dance has always been popular in South Ossetia. A scandal around it has made it unprecedentedly popular and placed it under complete ban

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