
Gender and sex

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Women from Iraq

We have asked Ifsitam, Hayam and Nadia to name three items that they associate with three specific concepts - homeland, Georgia and their dream.

Fate of the kidnapped

Why has Georgia so far failed to eradicate the bride kidnapping practice?

Waiting for "seasonal" husbands

Women from the Lichk village work in the fields and don't use farming equipment, since there are no men to operate the machinery

Georgia: The state trading in girls

Dozens of girls are kidnapped annually right from a school bench in Georgia. The government turns a blind eye to this tradition -human rights activists believe

"I wanted to do something" - four stories on women farmers

“I was milking a cow when my neighbour told me that there would be an meeting related to available grants. I mounted a horse and went there. Now I have over 300 bee families and soon I will be travelling to the US to take a course there.”

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