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Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from June 3-7, 2024

  • Friday, June 7, Georgia. The State Department announced the first package of sanctions against officials in Georgia involved in the adoption of the "foreign agents" law

  • Friday, June 7, Azerbaijan. "It is impossible to conclude a peace agreement between Baku and Yerevan if Armenia's constitution remains unchanged' - Ilham Aliyev

  • Friday, June 7, Armenia. Seven people were injured in an explosion at a gas station on the Yerevan-Sevan highway

  • Thursday, June 6, Georgia. The public sees footballer Budu Zivzivadze's decision to delete his interview as pressure from the authorities

  • Thursday, June 6, Azerbaijan. "Another set of peace treaty proposals from Yerevan has been received, and there are fewer open issues," - Foreign Ministry

  • Thursday, June 6, Armenia. Armenia and Georgia have submitted a joint bid to host the 2029 FIFA U-20 World Cup

  • Wednesday, June 5, Georgia. Today, a decision on sanctions against Georgia's ruling elite under the MEGOBARI Act is expected in the US

  • Wednesday, June 5, Armenia. "Yerevan has stopped showing interest in contacts with Russia due to Western pressure," stated the Russian Foreign Ministry

  • Wednesday, June 5, Azerbaijan. Еight countries, including six European ones, import gas from Azerbaijan

  • Tuesday, June 4, Georgia. "Liberal fascists and Bolsheviks" - the Prime Minister on opponents of the "foreign agents" law

  • Tuesday, June 4, Armenia. Armenia is doing everything possible to ensure that a peace treaty with Azerbaijan is signed as soon as possible"

  • Tuesday, June 4, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani gas will be supplied from Turkey to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

  • Monday, June 3, Georgia. "The US will oppose Russia's attempts to overthrow freedom and democracy in Georgia," - Richard Hudson

  • Monday, June 3, Azerbaijan. Economist and blogger Farid Mehralyzade has been implicated in the "Abzas Media" case and sentenced to 3 months of pre-trial detention

  • Monday, June 3, Armenia. Round-the-clock restoration work on the railway damaged by flooding

  • Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from May 27-31, 2024

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