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Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from May 27-31, 2024

  • Friday, May 31, Georgia. The Prime Minister of Georgia called Ukraine a "collapsed country" and blamed Euromaidan for it

  • Friday, May 31, Armenia. The United States is sending consultants to the defense ministries of Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, and the Balkan countries

  • Friday, May 31, Azerbaijan. In Baku, economist and blogger Farid Mehralyzade was detained

  • Thursday, May 30, Georgia. "As long as this law remains in effect, negotiations on Georgia's accession to the EU will not be opened"

  • Thursday, May 30, Azerbaijan. The European Union calls on Azerbaijan to release the detained journalists and activists

  • Thursday, May 30, Armenia. "The threat of military aggression from Azerbaijan is always present, but it should not be exaggerated," - the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service

  • Wednesday, May 29, Georgia. The parliamentary majority overrode the president's veto on the "foreign agents" law

  • Wednesday, May 29, Armenia. The broadcast of the First Russian Channel in Armenia has been suspended

  • Wednesday, May 29, Azerbaijan. A residential complex has been commissioned in Khojaly. Resettlement in Khankendi begins in September

  • Tuesday, May 28, Georgia. Seven EU parliamentary speakers urge the Georgian parliament not to override the president’s veto on the “foreign agents” law today

  • Tuesday, May 28, Armenia. Armenia celebrates its Independence Day

  • Tuesday, May 28, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan celebrates Independence Day

  • Monday, May 27, Georgia. Discussion has commenced in parliament regarding the president's veto of the "foreign agents" law

  • Monday, May 27, Armenia. Consequences of the flooding in Armenia: 269 people have been evacuated, and another 120 residents have been rescued

  • Monday, May 27, Azerbaijan. "Hosting COP29 in Baku is a good opportunity for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia"

  • Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from May 20-24, 2024

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