
Features and Analysis

Non-stop communication

Hundreds of people call each other on different sides of conflict every day. The barbwire can’t muffle the cellular communication

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Armenians in Abkhazia

A story about the life of Abkhazia’s second largest ethnic community, told by its representatives: teachers, businessmen, politicians and housewives

Girls are not supposed to work

The answer to the question, what rights, possibilities and perspective women in Karabakh have, sounds grimly

Snow and extreme

Abkhazia overwhelmed by snow. Though, it’s not as it used to be in the record cold weather in 1911. Here are the present-day and archive photos

Women who crossed the border

According to unofficial data, about 1,5million people left Georgia in search of jobs in 2015-2016 and 65% of them were women

Working overseas

'It's a great opportunity for me: I send the money I earn to my family in Armenia'

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