

More MPs – Is It Better?

That’s what Abkhazia is going to find out soon. There will be 55 instead of 35 members in Parliament

Will the President be Evicted?

Have you ever heard about the president being forcefully evicted from his residence by his fellow team members? There may possibly be a precedent of the aforesaid in Georgia.

No problems with money

Russia doubles its funding to Abkhazia in 2016 – but, at the same time, kind of not doubles it

No problems with money

Russia doubles its funding to Abkhazia in 2016 – but, at the same time, kind of not doubles it

Surviving with diabetes in Azerbaijan

Being a diabetic is a life and death race in Azerbaijan, and, the state diabetes management policies being as they are, death has had a head start

Dangerous people

Pressure and persecution of Meydan TV reporters becomes commonplace

Shadowy resorts

The tourist season in Abkhazia was super-successful, and still it's unlikely that the local budget has raised its funds

Houses on the dump

Seven families in Tskhinval will have to part with their land plots, granted to them by the municipal authorities five years ago