Solidarity Sans Frontiers
France is a friendly country for Armenia and this is the reality that is not discussed. Consequently, not only the country’s President and the Foreign Minister expressed condolences to France following the terrorist attacks in Paris… People with flowers were coming to the French Embassy to express their solidarity.

They brought lit candles to the France Square in the center of Yerevan and were holding slogans “We Are Solidary with the French People, “Vive la France, “France, We Are with You, “Stop Terrorism.
Social networks also haven’t been silent. Here are several statements made by the Facebook users:
Tigran Khzmalyan: “Many people wonder, why Paris was blown up. Others ask, themselves, why Paris (not Beirut, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Benghazi or Bagdad, etc.) causes such a humanism. There is one answer to both questions – because Beirut, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Benghazi and Bagdad are military zones and people, who reside there, either have chosen or have to recognize a reality of living in war conditions. As for Pairs – it is peace, freedom, feast, joy; the place, where people wish to get, migrate and flee from Beirut, Aleppo, Bagdad.
Paris is a haven, a shelter, a fairytale. Paris has paid a big price for being and remaining Paris – the city of freedom, peace, and festivities. Not to comprehend it, means not to make difference and not to set a margin between war and peace, evil and kindness, barbarity and civilization, slavery and freedom. Those, who attacked Paris, try to erase this difference, eliminate this margin, freedom, festivity, peace. That’s why the whole civilized world defends Paris. Margin. Festivity. Fairytale. Freedom. “

Ruzanna Melyan: “I returned from Paris a couple of days ago. I am lucky! Today, when I am so anxious about my friends, residing in France, and I am so mournful for innocently killed, I want to support those, who are there. I express my love to the country and friends for generosity, warm heartedness, delicate taste and sincere care, behind which nostalgia is felt. I am with you!.
Anna Simonyan: Dear Facebook, my thoughts are focused on absolutely different issues. Unlike hordes of people, I don’t know who is guilty and who is not and what to do. I am thinking about those evacuated fans, who were singing the anthem of their country – a song, under which a king was overthrown and killed, the anthem, which was once abolished and then restored. This anthem outlived great and miserable rulers, wars, blood and occupation. Just think, the French people have been singing allons enfants de la patrie, le jour de gloire est arrive in hard time for more than three hundred years. That’s what the statehood means.