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Top stories in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia from August 12-16, 2024

  • Friday, August 16, Georgia. The Georgian Prime Minister and the Kremlin have blamed Saakashvili for the August 2008 war

  • Friday, August 16, Armenia. Moscow calls Armenia's new history textbook "provocative"

  • Friday, August 16, Azerbaijan. Twice in one day, reports surfaced of Armenian shelling on Azerbaijani positions in Nakhchivan

  • Thursday, August 15, Georgia. A group of Azerbaijani bloggers is visiting Adjara at the invitation of local authorities

  • Thursday, August 15, Azerbaijan. The U.S. ambassador met with opposition leader Ali Karimli to learn about the criminal case against him

  • Thursday, August 15, Armenia. The incidence of domestic violence in Armenia has increased

  • Wednesday, August 14, Georgia. The U.S. Embassy has again urged the Georgian government to stop "disinformation and speculation [against Western partners]"

  • Wednesday, August 14, Armenia. The son-in-law of former President Serzh Sargsyan is accused of large-scale fraud

  • Wednesday, August 14, Azerbaijan. The editor-in-chief of a news website has been arrested in Baku on extortion charges

  • Tuesday, August 13, Azerbaijan. "There are no foreign military contingents in Azerbaijan," in response to comments on Israeli military presence

  • Tuesday, August 13, Armenia. "Armenia will build a modern, professional army" - Defense Minister

  • Tuesday, August 13, Georgia. The Helsinki Commission urged the State Department to "act against the 'call centers' funding Georgia's anti-democratic ruling party"

  • Monday, August 12, Georgia. Ivanishvili refused to meet with representatives of both houses of the U.S. Congress

  • Monday, August 12, Azerbaijan. The pretrial detention of journalist Elnara Gasimova has been extended

  • Monday, August 12, Armenia. The prosecutor's office will confiscate approximately $2.5 million from the mayor of Kajaran

  • Top stories in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia from August 5-9, 2024

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