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The main topics of the day in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, 22-26 May, 2023

  • Friday, May 26, Azerbaijan. Aliyev-Pashinyan-Putin talks in Moscow were unsuccessful

  • Friday, May 26, Armenia. Armenian Defense Minister did not go to Minsk for a meeting of the CSTO Defense Ministry Council

  • Friday, May 26, Georgia. The opposition insists the large EU flag be returned to the facade of the parliament building

  • Thursday, May 25, Georgia. For the first time in years, there are no EU flags on the Parliament building on Independence Day

  • Thursday, May 25, Azerbaijan.

  • Thursday, May 25, Armenia. A trilateral meeting between Pashinyan-Putin-Aliyev in Moscow

  • Wednesday, May 24, Armenia. The Armenian church has called on the authorities "to abandon defeatist thinking and destructive steps"

  • Wednesday, May 24, Azerbaijan. WHO has cancelled the coronavirus pandemic, but Azerbaijan continues a special quarantine regime

  • Wednesday, May 24, Georgia.  "Let's agree that direct flights with Russia do not violate international sanctions" - Parliament Speaker

  • Tuesday, May 23, Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan: "86,600 square kilometres of Azerbaijan includes Nagorno-Karabakh territory"

  • Tuesday, May 23, Azerbaijan. "A peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia is inevitable" - Ilham Aliyev

  • Tuesday, May 23, Georgia. "Opposition is in chaos, they are busy busy competing over who has the bigger horns"

  • Monday, May 22, Georgia. The movement to nominate Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili for the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Monday, May 22, Armenia. "Arrest of Gayane Hakobyan is even more shameful than the parliament speaker's vile act of spitting in the face of a citizen"

  • Monday, May 22, Azerbaijan. "WHO should refrain from any political statements hindering efforts on the peace agenda in the region"

  • The main topics of the day in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, 15-19 May, 2023

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