1 new update

News, reports, media on combat in Karabakh. October 11, 2020

  • Armenian Defense Ministry releases video made in Hadrut

  • Azerbaijani Armed Forces violate humanitarian truce again - Armenian Defense Ministry

  • Pope praying for peace in the Caucasus

  • The death toll of civilians in Azerbaijan reaches 41 people - President

  • "How long the ceasefire will last is unclear" - President of Nagorno-Karabakh

  • Death toll in Ganja reaches 9 people - Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan

  • 7 people killed in missile strike in Ganja - Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan

  • Azerbaijan continues shelling of Karabakh settlements at night, situation now relatively calm - Defense Army

  • Last night, the situation along the entire front was stably tense - Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

  • Brief summary of events for the morning of October 11

  • News, reports, photos / videos on military operations in Karabakh for October 10, 2020

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