Oleg Bartsits, Abkhazia’s trade representative in Russia, announced his intention to run for president in the March 2025 elections. Shortly afterward, several Telegram channels reported that he was dismissed from his position.
Although there are no official statements regarding Bartsits’ dismissal, it is also confirmed in the corridors of power. However, according to insider rumors, the real reason was not his political ambitions but his negative stance on the apartment bill.
Recently, in an interview with the YouTube channel “Bitiy Chas,” Oleg Barcits sharply criticized this bill, which is being promoted by the current president, Aslan Bzhania, but is extremely unpopular among the opposition and civil society.
However, the dismissal of Oleg Bartsits cannot be considered a surprise. It is well-known that his relationship with Aslan Bzhania has been quite strained for a long time.
Back in late 2020, Bartsits tried to resign, but his request was denied.
In 2023, according to insider information, Aslan Bzhania himself demanded that the prime minister fire Bartsits, but the prime minister refused to do so.
Now, with Oleg Bartsits officially announcing his intention to run for president and criticizing the apartment bill, the issue of his dismissal has been resolved.
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