About one thousand opposition supporters on stormed the presidential palace in Abkhazia early today on January 9, knocking the doors off the side of the building and breaking through.
Several physical altercations took place, however reports say the president is not in the building.
The main demand of the opposition is to recognise the results of the September 8, 2019 presidential election when Raul Khajimba was re-elected as illegitimate.
The main argument of the opposition is that despite the fact that Khajimba scored more votes than his opponent in the second round, he still only received 47 percent of the vote, while the law requires 50 percent + 1 of all voter
The opposition is calling for new elections. The final decision on this issue was to be taken on January 9 by the Supreme Court.
However, this meeting was the main reason for the assault on the presidential palace: the opposition demanded that the court reject the candidacy of one of the judges in the case, Roman Kvarchia, claiming that his candidacy, and that of other judges, was put forward by the president himself.
Now, within two months, a new composition of the cassation instance should be formed, after which the opposition’s claim on declaring the presidential election invalid and the calling of new elections will be reconsidered.
The opposition party Aitaira, whose leader is influential politician and former president of Abkhazia Alexander Ankvab, called on President Raul Khajimba to resign to defuse the situation.
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