Russia simplifies citizenship procedure for ‘foreigners of war-torn countries’
REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law simplifying the acquisition of Russian citizenship by foreigners.
Citizens of countries with a ‘complex socio-political and economic situation, where armed conflicts or a change of political regime are taking place’, can count on a simplified procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship.
In addition, the new law stipulates that the president is entitled to independently determine the categories of foreigners who will be eligible to receive Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, Novaya Gazeta reports.
Moreover, the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship will also apply to state programme participants who voluntarily relocate to Russia, who have already received a permit for temporary residence in Russia, or a residence permit.
According to Russia’s laws, a foreigner who wants to obtain Russian citizenship must first obtain a residence permit and live in Russia for at least five years, after which he has the right to apply for citizenship. Moreover, evidence of a stable income must be provided as well as a Russian language certificate. However, foreigners who are granted the right to simplified citizenship by the Russian authorities will be able to circumvent these procedures.