Photo sessions in South Ossetia: summer’s coming
South Ossetia is agog with preparations for its traditional end-of-school festivities, as everyone – from kids to parents to even their neighbours – is busy having their photos taken for another memorable vignette and hunting for that perfect prom dress.
Fourth-graders from Tskhinval’s school #5 are being instructed by their photographer to say ‘chitri’ (which means “cucumber” in Ossetian), the local analogue of “say cheese” as a way of getting one to smile for a photo.
This year, 453 young people will be graduating from South Ossetia’s schools. On 27 May, a ceremony will be held wherein a school bell is rung for the last time for the youngsters.
Last year, JAMnews ran a story about South Ossetia’s prom fashion trends. Here’s a flashback to what was all the rage back then:
Read the whole report here.