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Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from May 20-24, 2024

  • Friday, May 24, Georgia. Antony Blinken has announced a new visa restriction policy for those responsible for undermining democracy in Georgia

  • Friday, May 24, Armenia. The church was outraged by Prime Minister's accusation of being an "agent of influence"

  • Friday, May 24, Azerbaijan. A beer factory, with the participation of the Georgian Beer Company Ltd, will open in the Gabala district

  • Thursday, May 23, Georgia. Tbilisi Mayor accused the West of financing "revolutionary scenarios" in Georgia

  • Thursday, May 23, Armenia. “Two CSTO countries were involved in preparing the 44-day war against Armenia,” - Nikol Pashinyan

  • Thursday, May 23, Azerbaijan. "Chairman of Luxembourg's Chamber of Deputies is trying to obstruct the Azerbaijani-Armenian peace process,"- Parliament

  • Wednesday, May 22, Azerbaijan. The Turkic Investment Fund, founded by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, has officially started operations

  • Wednesday, May 22, Georgia. The ruling party has questioned the authority of the Venice Commission, which recommends repealing the 'foreign agents' law

  • Wednesday, May 22, Armenia. Parliament Speaker proposes to bring the Armenian Apostolic Church into the tax system

  • Tuesday, May 21, Georgia. US support package contingent on Georgia abandoning anti-Western rhetoric

  • Tuesday, May 21, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani judoka Hidayat Heydarov has become the world champion

  • Tuesday, May 21, Armenia. In Kirants, the final three posts were installed for the Azerbaijan border delimitation

  • Monday, May 20, Georgia. The UK's Minister of State has urged the Georgian parliament to "listen to its allies, uphold the president's veto, and withdraw the 'foreign agents' law"

  • Monday, May 20, Azerbaijan. Before his death, Iran's President, along with Ilham Aliyev, opened shared hydraulic facilities on the Aras River border

  • Monday, May 20, Armenia. Opposition MPs were barred from the border village of Kirants, where the Azerbaijan border demarcation is underway

  • Top stories in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from May 13-17, 2024

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