1 new update

Coronavirus. 6-7 May, 2020

  • First doctor dies in North Ossetia. More than 200 medics infected

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • 77 new cases in Azerbaijan, total 2,204

  • Already 11 people infected in South Ossetia

  • Two more deaths in Armenia, 102 new cases

  • 5 new cases in Georgia, total 615

  • The minister of culture of Russia is infected, as are the prime minister and minister of construction

  • Two deaths in one day in Azerbaijan, sharp increase in number of new cases

  • 24 medics infected in North Ossetian regional hospital

  • 163 new cases in Armenia, total 2,782

  • 6 new cases in Georgia, including two young children

  • Russian governor inspects hospital completely protected, women not even given a mask. Photo

  • A timeline of events in the Caucasus related to coronavirus epidemic, 2-3 May, 2020