1 new update

Coronavirus in the Caucasus. Residents of Karachaevo–Cherkessia demand assistance. Crisis in Armenia

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • Residents of Karachaevo–Cherkessia demand assistance – republic experiencing COVID-19 test, doctor shortage

  • 3 more clinics receiving Covid-19 patients in Armenia

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • Hotels, restaurants and transport (besides trains) resume operations in Georgia

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • Another record - 766 cases in Armenia in a day, 200 deaths in total

  • 32 people infected in orphanage in North Ossetia

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • 547 new cases and 7 deaths overnight in Armenia, strict quarantine measure may be introduced

  • People not allowed to go outside during weekend in Azerbaijan

  • A timeline of events in the Caucasus related to coronavirus epidemic, 3-5 June, 2020