

On a powder keg

What’s the influence of public opinion on decision-making on political issues of particular importance for Armenia?

USSR: a legitimate end

This year marks 25th anniversary of the end of the USSR. Here’s the story about those, who created and dissolved it

How to save Armenfilm

Young people, united around the idea of Armenfilm Revival, are making efforts to restore the film studio

Four families left in a village

There are no appropriate living conditions in Tlik village: one has to pass 15km just to buy a packet of salt

Better not get sick

Outpatient clinics in some villages need ‘treatment’ themselves  in order to provide services to people

Karabakh: what’s next

Trump has arrived and Warlick is leaving. Under whose’ ‘umbrella’ will the region find itself?

Corruption leaders

Out of 100 percent Azerbaijan got 38, Russia - 34, Armenia - 24, Georgia - 7

Waste dumps just everywhere

Armavir’s sanitary clearness issue has been officially solved, but the waste keeps growing around the town    

Mandatory assistance to the army

A fund will be set up in Armenia, where certain amounts will be transferred on monthly basis by each working citizen

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