Why is former Abkhaz president Khajimba being sued for $50,000?
Criminal prosecution may be launched against former President Raul Khajimba in Abkhazia.
The lawsuit is to be submitted by the co-chair of the Popular Front of Abkhazia Manana Kvitsinia, who is the president of the Abkhazia charity foundation.
Two years ago, Raul Khadjimba, as president, granted the same charity foundation the right to sell license plates with memorable numbers and letters (one of the most popular is o777oo), which are in demand among drivers who want to stand out from the crowd.
For the proceeds from the sale of the license plates, the fund was going to provide material assistance to needy families.
However, in the summer of 2019, Raul Khajimba changed his mind about working with the charitable foundation. According to Manana Kvitsinia, this happened because her party and the charitable foundation did not support Khajimba in the presidential elections in the summer / fall of 2019.
“As a result, more than a hundred people were deceived. They were not given the license plates that they bought, and they in turn accused us of doing dishonest business,” says Kvitsinia.
The total debts amounted to about 3.5 million rubles [about $50,000]. The fund had to pay off the sum from its own funds.
It is this amount, most likely, that will appear in the statement of the claim of the head of the charitable organization against the former president of Abkhazia.
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