"There are people trying to undermine the U.S.-Georgia partnership" - Kelly Degnan
US Ambassador Degnan on Georgia
“There are people trying to undermine the US-Georgia partnership. It’s time to get to the bottom of this issue and show EU countries that Georgia is committed to the Western path”, outgoing US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan said in her final interview with the Georgian edition of Radio Liberty.

Kelly Degnan is completing her mission in Georgia and will serve as a senior foreign policy advisor in Washington for the next two years.
Electronic voting
The Ambassador paid special attention to the importance of establishing an electronic voting system in Georgia.
“It is important to help people in time to understand not only why their vote matters, but also why their participation is necessary during exactly the parliamentary elections next year. We need to explain to people how e-voting works so that everyone understands it when 90 per cent of polling stations in Georgia switch to this system.”
“We have seen in the U.S. that an electronic system does not guarantee that everything will be clean and fair if people are not trained to use the system and if voters don’t understand how it works. In that case, the system can be manipulated.”
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Attempts to discredit the West
“There are people who are trying to undermine the close and strong partnership between the US and Georgia. They are doing this for specific reasons and in their personal interests.
These people are trying to discredit not only the US, but also any independent voice that speaks in favour of a European, democratic future for Georgia.
But I think the people of Georgia are quite intelligent, at least the ones I have met understand this context well. They are used to Russian and pro-Russian disinformation. I think they understand when someone tries to damage Georgia’s partnership with its closest friends, true strategic partners who will always be here for Georgia.
We have been here with Georgia for over 30 years and we are not going anywhere. We will be here for Georgia until the people are strengthened on the path to a democratic future.”
Overcoming political disunity
“Courage is the willingness to put aside differences and work together with the understanding that the people of Georgia have made a clear choice in favour of a European future. Every political leader must work to achieve the goal that 85 per cent of the people of Georgia declare [in polls].
This is the job of both politicians and MPs – to act on behalf of the citizens they represent.”
Implement EU recommendations to get candidate status
“According to the European Commission’s oral report in July, three of the 12 EU recommendations given to Georgia to gain candidate status for EU accession had been implemented at that time.
The report said Georgia had made good progress on seven points. There is no time to waste. It is time to show the EU member states that Georgia is really on the way.
All Georgians know that candidate status and EU membership is not a gift. The country has to earn this status, as EU membership will mean more prosperity, stability and security for the country.
Look at any new member of the European Union – they have received both economic benefits and increased stability. That is why countries want to join the European Union. That is why Georgia also wants to join the European Union”.