Turkey between Ukraine and Russia
“We are cooperating with Ukraine and uphold its integrity without reservations, but at the same time we intend to intensify our dialogue with other neighbors, including Russia – Mehmet Shimshek on delicate issue of what to do, once your neighbors are at war.
Mehmet Shimshek is one of the most noticeable Turksh politicians and economists.
Before becoming the vice-premier he has worked as the finance minister for 6 years, also under the present president Erdogan. He is considered the author of the fiscal strategy that has helped Turkey out of the world financial crisis in 2008.
Shimshek reforms meant deregulating taxation and bringing economy out of a shadow.
Shimshek, an ethnic Kurd, who studied and worked in Britain, has the reputation of a liberal.

– Is there anything specific about the way Turkey and Ukraine cooperate these days?
– The Turkish-Ukrainian relations are special. In part it is so, because we are neighbors. Besides there is certain historical context, also the connections with the Crimean Tartars should be taken into consideration. And third, we are intensifying mutual trade. Our economies add to each other. That is why Turkey has strategic investments in Ukraine. And the relations are deeper, than mere investments. The crucial point is, that this cooperation is not prone to changes. The political dialogue between our countries is also brilliant, by the way.
– The relations between Turkey and Russia are warming up after a long conflict. Some say, the reason for it is, that the conflict has caused damage to the Turkish economy, including tourism and agriculture. As seen from Ukraine, Turkey takes the principles easy, when political issues are concerned. May I remind you what happened to the Crimean Tartars after the annexation of the peninsula. Business matters more for Turkey, than principles?
– This is not true. Indeed our relations with Russia are back to normal. They were frozen after the catastrophe with the Russian plane. I do not think such state of thing could last long. Turkey and Russia have been neighbors for a thousand years already. I believe, keeping up the dialogue is essential in our region.
Second, bilateral ties should not hinder relations with other states. Which means that we are working with Ukraine and uphold its integrity and are intent to intensify dialogue with all other neighbors. The whole region profits from peace and stability. Thus bringing Turkish-Russian relations back to normal does not serve as an alternative to our good ties with Ukraine.
– As we understand now, the majority in Turkey have not supported the coup. Nevertheless, the numerous arrests, that followed, including those of journalists, thousands detained, tortures in prisons, according to the human rights organizations… You worked and lived in Britain, you are considered a liberal politician – how do you react to all this?
– You have made several points, so let me clarify. We stand against tortures. Without any reservations. We uphold law and the democratic principles even when dealing with the violent coup organizers. There should be no doubt about that. But those, who are under arrest now, directly or indirectly belonged to the secret network aiming to stage a coup. We have proofs to that. In our case it is not an attempt on the part of the authorities to get rid of the opposition ruthlessly. Something extraordinary happened on July 15 – a group of armed army officers with the support of the justice bodies and the media, affiliated with the secret religious cult, made an attempt to destroy the democracy and rule of law.
We will not break law anyway. We agree to stick to the European Court on Human Rights principles. Since 1970-s this cult (the followers of the Turkish theologian Fethullah Gulen) has been infiltrating some government structures, including the army, the justice bodies and the police. This is not all. It is also a business empire with its own bank, media and even universities. They operate in 170 countries, but it is in Turkey, where they wanted to seize power through a coup.
Just imagine – you live in Kiev, and some group has attacked your parliament using F-16 fighters, tanks and helicopters, and leaving 240 innocent persons dead and 2 200 wounded. What your reaction would be to an attempt to overthrow legal, democratic government? Sure, you bring charges against them!
But everything should be done legally. Turkey aspires for the European Union, it is a member of the European Council, and it recognizes international law over national laws.
That is why we intend to stick to the European Court ruling.
All those, who have been discharged of their positions due to their involvement in the coup or the religious cult, will have a possibility to appeal in accordance with the law. Any mistake made will be corrected.
– The peaceful process with the Kurds has lasted for years, and now things have deteriorated, because of the Turkish involvement in the military campaign. The prevailing opinion in Turkey is, that this is one of the key questions for the country. What is the official policy?
– First I would like to mention, that Turkey is not involved in conflict with the Kurds. I am an ethnic Kurd and I used to be the vice-premier. We were the first country that provided support to the regional Kurdish government in Iraq opposing ISIS there. It was both military and financial aid, meant to help them fight ISIS in Mosul, Kirkuk and Northern Iraq. We have helped the Iraqi Kurds. There is also no animosity between us and the Syrian Kurds. We are brothers!
Kurdistan Workers` Party is the one, we are having conflict with. KWP is seeking to seize a part of the Turkish territory, and recognized as a terrorist organization by EU, US and UN.
We believe the Kurds have future in Turkey as a part of more prosperous, democratic and tolerant Turkish nation, but not in new states based on ethnicity or religion. The future of the kind will bring chaos to the Middle East and will serve to ethnic and religious division of the countries. I would call it an appeal to the endless conflict.
Reconciliation has been under way, but it was unfortunately used by KWP to build up its military potential, setting ground for forceful decision.
The future Middle East should follow the EU model – contrary to what is happening now. The European Union now numbers 28 countries with hundreds of ethnic and religious groups living on their territory. Turkey is intent to follow the same rules.
Published: 15.10.2016