Six myths about Coca-Cola that you definitely heard about
Myths about Coca-Cola
There are legends and myths surrounding any big company, however, Coca-Cola is definitely a winner in this area.
Throughout its 135-year history, many myths have sprung up around this drink. Some live for months, others- for years and epochs.
We have selected the six most popular myths:
Myth # 1: Coca-Cola contains cocaine

This is one of the most common myths found even in relatively serious publications. Of course, this is not the case: the cocaine-derived ingredient in coca leaves was once part of Coca-Cola, but that was more than a hundred years ago, when cocaine was still a legal substance in America.
Myth # 2: Coca-Cola used to be green

There is a widespread myth in the English-speaking world that Coca-Cola used to be green, which is not true. The color of the drink has always been – from the day of its appearance in 1886 – exactly the same as it is now. Legend has it that the green color is associated with a glass bottle of Coca-Cola, which, in the first half of the 20th century, really had a slightly green tint to it. This bottle is depicted in the famous painting by Andy Warhol, which called the Green Bottles of Coca-Cola.
Myth # 3: Coca-Cola can remove stains

Coca-Cola contains small amounts of orthophosphoric acid. It is a safe and universally accepted ingredient that can also be found in champagne and other fruit juices. Theoretically, the phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola can clean some lightly contaminated surfaces. By the way, freshly squeezed orange juice will have the same effect. However, there are many more effective remedies available in stores that you can use for this purpose.
Myth # 4 : Coca-Cola can dissolve a human tooth

This myth comes from the fact that Coca-Cola actually contains small amounts of approved food acids. Such acids are contained in many beverages, including products called natural juices. However, the acid content of Coca-Cola is very low. For example, human gastric juice is much more aggressive, much like orange juice or vinegar used in salads.
In short, even if a tooth is put into Coca-Cola for a few years, it still will not dissolve.
However, keep in mind that excessive consumption of sugary drinks (and not just Coca-Cola) in general is not good for tooth enamel.
Myth # 5: Applying Coca-Cola on the body can help get a good tan
This is not only a big lie, but also harmful to your health. Coca-Cola has zero sun protection capacity, which is not surprising – it is a drink and not a tanning agent. Even sunbathing without sunscreen can damage your skin. So, just in case, we remind you that even figs can not be tanned.
Myth # 6: Coca-Cola formula is stored in a bank safe

Coca-Cola consists of the following main ingredients: filtered, carbonated water, sugar, natural starch, orthophosphoric acid, natural flavorings, caffeine.
However, in addition, it contains secret “spices”, which are a commercial secret and which give this drink a unique, distinctive taste. The original copy of the composition was kept for years in Atlanta, SunTrust Banks repository, and since 2011 the recipe has been available at the Coca-Cola Headquarters in Atlanta.