Russia’s foreign minister is arriving in Abkhazia today, 18 April, on a visit timed to coincide with the inauguration of a new set of Russian embassy buildings in Sukhum.
As part of the visit, he is scheduled to meet with president Raul Khajimba and foreign minister Daur Kove.
Spokesperson for the Russian foreign ministry Maria Zakharova said: “The visit by the Russian foreign minister to the Republic of Abkhazia is to give an additional impulse to the development of the Russian-Abkhaz relations which are based on the principles of partnership and strategic cooperation.”
Also, while Lavrov is visiting, Russia’s new ambassador to Abkhazia may introduce himself to an unofficial audience in Sukhum. He will be replacing Semyon Grigoryev who has held the post since 2008 and is about to take up a new appointment as the Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan.
The Russian Federation embassy opened in Abkhazia in the second half of 2008, after Russia had recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. Until recently, the embassy resided in a rented hotel building.
Tbilisi has condemned the visit. President of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelashvili, has called on the international community to condemn Russian activity on what is Georgia’s internationally recognized territory. “A foreign state’s representatives can only visit Georgian territory and open a representation here if they have the Georgian government’s permission for this,” he said. “Otherwise, such actions are illegal from the viewpoint of both Georgian and international law.”
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