Almost all stores will open in Azerbaijan which are now closed due to the quarantine regime starting April 27 except for those located in shopping centers. This is the first step in rolling back the quarantine measures in the country, which are scheduled to be lifted on May 4.
The restriction on the movement of citizens still remains in force, and in order to go out, you need to get an SMS permission from the authorities. But if now this permission is given once a day for two hours, then from April 27 it will be possible to be on the street for three hours already.
Over the past day, another person died in Azerbaijan, infected with COVID-19 – he was 85 years old and suffered from cardiac ischemia, arterial hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.
Also, 44 new infections and 65 recoveries were recorded per day.
Thus, according to official statistics, at the moment, a total of 1592 people have been infected with coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 21 of whom have died, and 1013 have already been cured.
According to the representative of the World Health Organization in Azerbaijan, Handa Harmanji, growth and a subsequent decrease in the number of infections may indicate that the peak is already behind. But it’s too early to argue and relax.