Three strong floods, that have happened in Abkhazia since June, created serious problems. Local residents say the rains were of unprecedented strength. On the night of August 4, for instance, 240 millimeters of rainfall dropped out – twice more than the monthly norm.
The last flood happened on September 23.
“The rain in Sukhum was of such strength, that even the double double-glazed windows leaked,” according to the JAMnews correspondent.
In Sukhum and in the Sukhum district numerous rivers have flooded banks. Fortunately, no victims have been registered, but roads and streets, private houses first floors and cellars were spoiled by water.
About a thousand Sukhum residents have signed the petition to clear off the riverbed to avoid flooding.
But Adgur Kharaziya, the Sukhum mayor, claims the residents themselves are to blame and should come to realize that.
“Utility payments make a bit more than a dollar, but they are being paid by mere 5 percent. And garbage and wastes are being thrown into the river on a massive scale.”
Who is to blame is a separate question. Now, with the houses unfit to live in and the roads difficult to drive along, another one becomes the most acute one – what to do? And when, which is even more important? There are those, who have to crawl into their houses.