1 new update

Media monitoring in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 4-8 December, 2023

  • Friday, December 8, Armenia. Azerbaijan will release 32 Armenian prisoners, while Armenia will release two Azerbaijani soldiers

  • Friday, December 8, Azerbaijan. Baku and Yerevan issued a joint statement "to achieve long-awaited peace in the region"

  • Friday, December 8, Georgia. Former leader of the National Movement, Nika Melia, is establishing a new party

  • Thursday, December 7, Azerbaijan. "We acknowledge Armenia's sovereignty, but Yerevan must guarantee unrestricted access to Nakhichevan from Azerbaijan" - Ilham Aliyev

  • Thursday, December 7, Armenia. "There is an understanding with Baku that the border can only be drawn using real topographic maps," the deputy PM

  • Thursday, December 7, Georgia. Georgian students' academic skills lag significantly below the global average - PISA report

  • Wednesday, December 6, Georgia. The leader of the ruling party anticipates that the president will step down to join the opposition

  • Wednesday, December 6, Azerbaijan. The FM protested against the "false statements by EU High Representative Josep Borrell"

  • Wednesday, December 6, Armenia. The EU plans to send a humanitarian technical mission to assist the Armenian armed forces

  • Tuesday, December 5, Armenia. "Azerbaijani forces attacked Armenian positions, killing a serviceman" - ministry of defense

  • Tuesday, December 5, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's Defense and Foreign Ministries reject Armenian claims of Azerbaijani army involvement in the death of an Armenian serviceman on the border

  • Tuesday, December 5, Georgia. The opposition opposes limits on party donations from legal entities

  • Monday, December 4, Azerbaijan. A policeman involved in beating a 12-year-old in Vandam village, Gabala district, has been dismissed

  • Monday, December 4, Armenia. 24 out of 50 purchased French Bastion armored vehicles have been delivered to Armenia

  • Monday, December 4, Georgia. The 24th Tbilisi International Film Festival has concluded

  • Media monitoring in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 27 November-1 December, 2023

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