After Pashinyan's statement on the use of Iskander missiles during the war, opinions were voiced from Baku, raising the question point-blank - Was there an Iskander?
Comparative analysis of data on Sweden and Azerbaijan shows that quarantine kills more than the virus - this is the opinion of the politician Ilgar Mammadov
Sargsyan presented the details of the negotiation process on Karabakh, in which he himself participated, refuting the statements of the current prime minister about the mistakes made at that time
Quarantine restrictions have been lifted in Baku, but the metro is still not working, and for this reason the city is experiencing a transport collapse
Navalny asked the Council of Europe to initiate proceedings at the ECHR on Russia's failure to comply with the decisions of the ECJ on politicians' cases, but only Ilgar Mammadov succeeded
The Russian side is sure that all refugees from Karabakh can return to their native places, but is it that simple? Problems comments on out of resolution
Information has spread in Azerbaijan about three scandalous lawsuits and a common starting point uniting all these lawsuits is a wedding held in Baku last year