Doctor shortage in Abkhazia: deputy health minister to work at COVID clinic
Deputy Minister of Health of Abkhazia Alkhas Konjaria has gone on duty as a doctor at Gudauta hospital, where patients infected with coronavirus are treated. The clinic is in dire need of medical personnel, some of whom are also infected.
In the coming days, the shortage of medical personnel may become even more critical, as the Russian mobile military hospital will stop operating in Abkhazia on February 15.
Abkhaz Minister of Health of Abkhazia Tamaz Tsakhnakia has already appealed to the Ministry of Health of Russia with a request to extend or resume the visits of Russian doctors.
“We haven’t received an answer yet. The help we receive from Russian medics is of enormous importance to Abkhazia, but this project is about to end, as Russia itself is faced with a difficult epidemiological situation. We hope that they will come again”, Tsakhnakia said.
Approximately 200,000 people live in Abkhazia, 11,800 cases of COVID-19 have been identified since the beginning of the pandemic. 10,625 patients have recovered and 181 have died.
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