Ex-Chief Prosecutor attacks country’s General Auditor in night club
Lasha Tordia, the Head of the State Audit Office of Georgia, was attacked by ex-Chief Prosecutor, Otar Pirtskhaladze, in a night club in Tbilisi, on 12 May. The victim himself reported the incident.
According to Lasha Tordia, the reason for the attack was the Audit Office’s recent probe into a case involving Otar Pirtskhaladze.
“When we met, he asked me in a very aggressive manner, why I was picking up incriminatory evidence against him and how I was going to live after my term in office was over. I responded that he wasn’t in a position to talk to me in such a manner. At that moment he became even more aggressive and hit me. The individuals who accompanied him also attacked me. This person has a sense of absolute impunity. There were a lot of people in the club and this incident took place right in front of their eyes,” the General Auditor stated.
The Audit Office was going to release information on the case involving Otar Partskhaladze on 15 May.
The Georgian Interior Ministry has launched an investigation into the attack against Lasha Tordia under Article 126 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (violence).