1 new update

News, reports, media on combat in Karabakh. October 29, 2020

  • "Fighting continues in all directions, but with less intensity" - Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman

  • "Who controls Shushi controls Artsakh" - President of Karabakh

  • European Court ordered the Azerbaijani government to provide information on five more Armenian prisoners of war

  • Another civilian killed in Azerbaijan as a result of rocket fire - Hikmet Hajiyev

  • Bodies of 29 servicemen handed over to the Armenian side, one civilian returned - Armenian Defense Ministry

  • Azerbaijan handed over bodies of 30 servicemen to Armenian side

  • The death toll among the civilian population reaches 90 people - Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan

  • The Karabakh Defense Army has published legitimate military targets located in the cities of Azerbaijan

  • Enemy fired on territory of two regions - Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

  • Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia postponed

  • Tension at the front and shelling of NK settlements continues - Ministry of Defense of Karabakh

  • Azerbaijani Defense Ministry: "Goranboy and Tartar regions shelled"

  • Fighting continues - Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

  • Brief summary of events as of the morning of October 29

  • News, reports, photos / videos on military operations in Karabakh for October 28, 2020

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