MPs have passed a bill which may cancel the referendum on constitutional amendments and is expected to go into effect as soon as the state of emergency is lifted
Those who are studying subjects that are ‘important for the country’s economy and development’ will have tuition paid via the income tax on their salaries.
The government has developed a stimulus programme for businesses affected by coronavirus – those who don’t qualify are finding ways to help themselves.
Together with the commandant and the Minister of Health, he talked about the current situation in the country and measures to combat the virus. Starting June 2, Nikol Pashinyan intends to return to normal working hours
The text is difficult to understand without special legal knowledge. Robert Kocharyan’s lawyers interpret it this way: if the recommendations of the Europeans are taken into account, their client will be released
Pashinyan considers symbolic that the meeting is "taking place on the day of the founding of the First Armenian Republic." Leaders agreed on long-term projects
“For the first time, an international court has acknowledged the anti-Armenian actions of Azerbaijan,” Armenian lawyers say. Azerbaijan meanwhile says that a country cannot bear legal responsibility for the actions of an individual citizen
Arsen Torosyan expressed doubts about the method used to count the number of coronavirus cases used in its neighboring country. Georgia considers the Armenian Minister of Health’s statement to be unwarranted.