Due to the pandemic, the decision was made to cancel all traditional events and close the memorial – now you can only place flowers near the eternal flame virtually
The country is trying to mitigate losses in the face of severe restrictions on the operation of enterprises. Is the government succeeding? And when can one expect the previous growth indicators - the opinion of economists, forecasts of international organizations
Later, Garegin II urged people not to politicize his words and not to take what he said out of context, but prior to that, the patriarch received a harsh response from the prime minister’s spokesperson
The commandant expanded the list of businesses that are allowed to work. Thousands of manufacturing workers, builders and engineers have returned to their jobs
During the state of emergency because of the coronavirus, the Armenian Apostolic Church held all the services of Holy Week, as well as the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, behind closed doors
Arsen Torosyan says that before, 50 cases of coronavirus all came from the same source, are 16, 20, 30 cases being transmitted by 10 or 20 different people
The coronavirus has locked all Armenia at home. People can go out only in cases of necessity, for short periods of time, and with a filled out form marking their route