Russians Register an Average of 1,300 Companies per Month in Georgia - Transparency International
Russians register companies in Georgia
According to Transparency International-Georgia (TI), since the start of the war in Ukraine, Russian citizens have been registering an average of 1,300 companies per month in Georgia.
Based on the published statistics, since the beginning of the war (i.e., from March 2022), Russian citizens have registered 21,326 companies. These figures are nearly three times higher than the data from the past 27 years.
TI reports that the total number of companies registered by Russian citizens from 1995 to 2022 was 7,788.
According to Transparency International-Georgia (TI), Russian citizens are attempting to construct a residential complex (Salibauri Hills) on a 16,000 square meter land plot in the Adjara region, near Batumi, on a hill in the village of Salibauri, using corrupt means.
The organization notes suspicious circumstances surrounding the project. They point out that Russian citizens likely donated money to Georgia’s ruling party through Georgian citizens, which enabled them to quickly obtain the necessary construction permit.
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The Russian-Ukrainian war has drastically changed the real estate market in Georgia. CNBC, an American publication, reports that while many economies suffer from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, several countries are benefiting from the influx of Russian migrants, and Georgia is among them.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, 1,045,614 Russian citizens have entered Georgia. In September alone, following President Putin’s announcement of mobilization, 222,274 Russians arrived in Georgia.