Power tariffs in Armenia reduced starting from today
Armenian Public Services Regulatory Commission’s decree, passed at its session on December 23, has taken its effect today. Under the aforesaid decree, the electric power tariffs in Armenia will be reduced by AMD1,22.
Namely, starting from February 1, 2017, a day-time tariff (from 7 a.m. till 11 p.m.) in Armenia will total AMD 44,98 (approximately 9,2cents) per 1kW/h, instead of AMD46,2 (approximately 9,5 cents). As for the night tariff, it will be reduced from AMD36,2 (approximately 7,5 cents) to AMD34,98 (approximately 7,2 cents).
In addition, the regulator has envisaged a separate tariff for underprivileged families, that will be charged by 13,4% less – AMD40 (8,2cents) per 1 kW/h in day time and AMD30 (6,1cents) at night.
As a side note, a special tariff has been set for huge subscribers: their day-time tariff will amount to AMD33,48 (almost 7cents).
Last time, the electric power tariffs were reduced on August 1, 2016, when, on the regulator’s decision, the day-time tariff for 1kW/h of electric power was reduced by 5,3%, whereas the nigh tariff – by 6,7%.