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Media monitoring in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 11-15 December, 2023

  • Friday, December 15, Azerbaijan. Renowned opposition figure and former political prisoner Tofik Yagublu was detained in Baku

  • Friday, December 15, Georgia. The European Commission has granted Georgia candidate status for accession to the EU

  • Friday, December 15, Armenia. "It was not Russia that abandoned Nagorno-Karabakh; it was Armenia that recognized NK as part of Azerbaijan" - Putin

  • Thursday, December 14, Azerbaijan. A swap of detained servicemen occurred on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia

  • Thursday, December 14, Armenia. A total of 32 Armenian war prisoners were returned by Azerbaijan

  • Thursday, December 14, Georgia. IPRM meeting on the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone ends inconclusively, with "Russia's position deemed extremely destructive"

  • Wednesday, December 13, Azerbaijan. For actions against the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan they will be imprisoned for five years

  • Wednesday, December 13, Armenia. “Preservation of the country's water resources is a matter of national security,” - Pashinyan

  • Wednesday, December 13, Georgia. The opposition party "European Georgia" calls for halting electricity supply to Abkhazia from the Inguri HPP

  • Tuesday, December 12, Azerbaijan. Reporter of Kanal 11 Internet TV Teymur Kerimov has been detained

  • Tuesday, December 12, Armenia. Directors of 11 kindergartens in Yerevan have been removed from their posts after a high-profile criminal case

  • Tuesday, December 12, Georgia. 79% of Georgians support the idea of Georgia becoming a part of the EU family

  • Monday, December 11, Azerbaijan. Georgian Parliament Speaker in Baku emphasizes inter-parliamentary relations

  • Monday, December 11, Armenia. The French Foreign Ministry will provide Yerevan with an additional 15 million euros in urgent humanitarian aid

  • Monday, December 11, Georgia. After being beaten by the Abkhaz militia, a Georgian citizen died

  • Media monitoring in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 4-8 December, 2023

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