1 new update

News, reports, photos / videos on military actions in Karabakh for October 1, 2020

  • Armenia recalls ambassador to Israel following latter’s supply of weapons to Azerbaijan

  • Pentagon confirms: "Turkey has transferred Syrian mercenaries to Azerbaijan"

  • Four civilians killed as a result of shelling of the Azerbaijani armed forces in Karabakh

  • The Russian Foreign Ministry has not yet disclosed details, but "has facts" about the transfer of militants to the zone of the Karabakh conflict

  • Number of residents who left the liberated territories announced

  • Local resident dies in Karabakh, who accompanied a group of journalists

  • Foreign and Armenian journalists in Karabakh come under fire from Azerbaijani armed forces

  • Erdogan: "Countries that ignore the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh are two-faced

  • Resume negotiations without setting preconditions "- statement by Putin, Trump and Macron

  • Prime Minister of Armenia: “Why did Turkey return to the South Caucasus 100 years later? To continue the Armenian Genocide”

  • Civilians - father and son killed in Aghdam region of Azerbaijan

  • French journalists were injured during bombing of Azerbaijani armed forces

  • Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry: "We refute dirty claims"

  • "The civilian population of Karabakh is under fire again" - military expert

  • "Syringes were found in the pockets of dead Azerbaijani soldiers" - press secretary of the President of Karabakh

  • Stable tension remains on border, Armenian MoD says

  • Armenian Prime Minister announces major victory for Armenian diplomacy, in ‘proving to the world community’ the fact of Turkey's transfer of Syrian militants to Azerbaijan.

  • Thousands protest against the actions of Azerbaijan and Turkey in Los Angeles

  • Civilian dies in shelling of Azerbaijani city of Terter

  • Azerbaijani army conducted artillery shelling of enemy positions all night - Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

  • News, reports, photos / videos on military operations in Karabakh for September 30, 2020

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