1 new update

Coronavirus in the Caucasus. High mortality rate amongst doctors, families in Ingushetia. Teachers in North Ossetia coerced into giving up part of their salaries for fight with pandemic

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • Another death in Azerbaijan, 101 new cases

  • Armenia: three deaths in a day, spike in infections

  • 19 new cases in Georgia, total 671

  • High mortality rate amongst doctors, families in Ingushetia. Protest against artificially lowered statistics

  • Doctors in Chechnya demand protective equipment, threatened with dismissal, exile

  • Statistics: sick, dead, recovered - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

  • 121 new cases in Azerbaijan, including 33 prisoners infected

  • 12th death in Georgia

  • Another death in Armenia, 142 new cases

  • 5 new cases in Georgia, total 652

  • Teachers in North Ossetia coerced into giving up part of their salaries for fight with pandemic

  • A timeline of events in the Caucasus related to coronavirus epidemic, 12-13 May, 2020