Azerbaijani Facebook does not wonder much about the issue, in general. Users are mainly enthusiastically arguing about who is right or wrong. The abundance of Turkish flags in the photos speaks for itself. No matter how much some individuals miss the Soviet times, Turkey is the closest country to Azerbaijan, while the similarity of culture, language and mentality, makes Turkey a favorite neighbor for an ordinary Azeri.
Long Live the Turkish Air Forces
Those, who consider Russia an oppressive ‘big bro’, have gone into raptures over downing of the Russian fighter jet by the Turkish military. There have been comments, like: ‘Serves them right!’ ‘ Turks punished them and did it right!’
People seem not to believe in a possibility of any serious steps on part of Turkey and Russian. And many don’t believe, this may affect Azerbaijan.
‘As for whether this senseless dispute is right or wrong- Turkey should consider that it is right, and Russia should do the same about itself. A conflict is inevitable, so let them deal with it themselves. We should not be concerned at all about it.’
‘First of all, in my opinion, there will be no war, since both countries depend on each other from the economic point of view. I think, Putin and Erdogan realize that pretty well and they will not resort to such critical measures. In case, there is a war anyway, the risk to Azerbaijan is that our country, at some point, will have to make a choice between these two countries. On the other hand, from the geographic point, we are neighboring Turkey. Another military conflict in this ‘hot’ region is very much undesirable for us, especially as weakening of our strategic ally – Turkey, may strike a blow against our interests as well. Namely , the matter concerns settlement of the Karabakh conflict’.
‘Yeah, if there are clashes between Russia and Turkey, we will have to choose, like we did in 1914-18 … and the choice is less likely to be made in favor of Turkey – because of Karabakh, loyalty to the Russian market, investments in the Russian economy, possible problems with the population of the areas adjacent to the Russian border, etc. It’s better to let them somehow peacefully deal with it themselves.
Officials, who initially kept silent, have finally expressed the same idea – ‘let them deal with it themselves.’ No one in Baku has been happy about a prospect of maneuvering between dangerous and unpredictable Russia and fraternal Turkey.
Novruz Mamedov, Deputy Head of the President’s Administration, commented on his «Twitter» page, that Azerbaijan was bound by historical ties with both countries: ‘Our relations with both countries are at the highest level. Azerbaijan really wishes, there were no confrontation between his friends and it is ready to contribute to the diffusion of tension in relations between Russia and Turkey.’