

They’re going to die

Catastrophic increase in road accident rates in Abkhazia, a problem that, among other things, is related to the community’s mindset.

Banks in Abkhazia

About the peculiarities of a domestic, internationally isolated bank cards and ATM system APRA in Abkhazia

He’s a Dragon

Indar Dzhendubaev, the Abazian filmmaker, known for his fantasy-style movies, sets sights on an Abkhaz plot

Medea and Jumber

The performance of “Medea” in Sukhum turned out to be no less intriguing than the story of the Argonauts 

Vysotsky and Abkhazia

The renowned Russian poet visited Abkhazia many times during journeys on Black Sea cruises

Who are we greeting and why?

"I'm getting tired of the Georgians' naivety and simplicity, due to a mental fog that makes us do some very new and peculiar things"

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