President of Abkhazia Aslan Bzhania has gone into quarantine, officially for being diagnosed with COVID-19. But people on social networks doubt this, suspecting the real reason to be preparation for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Bzhania decided to go into self-isolation on Tuesday, March 14, upon feeling unwell. According to the presidential press service, rapid testing for the COVID-19 antigen showed a positive result. Aslan Bzhania also underwent laboratory PCR testing to determine the presence of infection with higher accuracy.
“We are awaiting results. In order to prevent the spread of infection, the president decided to go into self-isolation until the results of accurate laboratory testing are received,” the press service says.
“But is Bzhania planning to meet with Vladimir Putin? After all, it is known that you can get to the President of the Russian Federation only after a period of self-isolation. Putin spoke with Bashar al-Assad and will meet with Gagloev. To complete the picture, the President of Abkhazia is needed, especially in light of events in Georgia,” writes the popular Telegram channel Abkhazia Center.
Bzhania could have gone into quarantine without advertising it. No one would have noticed, given that from time to time he disappears for a week or two. On the other hand, this rotutine is more difficult now: on March 15-16 the victims of the “March military operation” were commemorated in Abkhazia, when, 30 years ago, Abkhaz armed formations made an unsuccessful attempt to liberate Sukhum during the Georgian-Abkhaz war of 1992-93.
In the official calendar, these days are considered sacred. Solemn wreath-laying at military memorials is taking place, in which citizens and the entire leadership of Abkhazia is required to participate. The unreasonable absence of the President from the memorial events could become grounds for serious criticism, and it is possible that this is why the presidential press service was forced to claim that he went into self-isolation due to COVID.
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