Average monthly salary in Armenia increased in 2016
According to the Armenian National Statistics Service, an average monthly salary in Armenia totaled AMD187,850 (US$391) in 2016, which is by 1,7% more than the last year’s index.
The highest salary rates have been reported in the following spheres:
financial and insurance activity (approximately AMD401,000-US$837);
information and communications (approximately AMD377,000-US$7878);
mining industry and field development (AMD345,000 – US$720).
The spheres with the lowest salary rate are as follows:
culture, entertainment and recreation (AMD112,000-US$233)
agriculture, forestry and fishery (approximately AMD115,000-US$240);
education, public catering (AMD122,000-US$254).
The salary rates vary region-wise. For example, in November 2014, the highest average salary rate was reported in Syunik province (AMD215,000-US$448), whereas the lowest one – in Aragatsont (AMD130,000-US$271). As for the capital, this rate made AMD195,000 (US$407) in the same period.