Why do Caucasus men need feminism
Reason 1. As befits, socio-economic
A feminist wife will never scrounge off you, saying: because-you-are-a man!
She realizes that you are a human being too. Given the current economic situation, one won’t be able to drag the whole home economy alone, unless, of course, one isn’t a business tycoon or kind of a super star.
Loading oneself with everything is equal to opening a gateway to a heart attack or apoplexy, always hanging around somewhere near. No! A feminist wife is a true friend that one can always lean on.

She will undergo retraining and will re-build her career; will go for status downgrading and find a job where money’s dripping. Just a piece of advice: Never hang on her shoulder. After all, she has never hung around your neck, has she?
Even if a wife is unaware she is a feminist or even denies that – do love feminism anyway, since it’s your friend and helper! It’s feminism, that has given her education and power.
What will one have to sacrifice? Avoid using a phrase ‘what I say goes!’ An equal partner never likes it for some reason.
Reason 2. Political

A feminist wife, a fellow party member or an activity friend won’t just sit and wait until you get all issues done and finally kill each other. She will not content herself with a role of a secretary, signature collector or a courier.
Though, in practice, those non-status friends write proclamations and meeting agendas for you. If a party has its platform (are there many of them, who can produce it?) – be sure, it has been written by female fellow party members. Unknown and modest. But they have not been familiar with feminism.
Feminists –true feminists – will ask you to move aside a little bit in the electoral lists. Make room at the panel meetings and at the negotiation tables. Don’t worry! At least you will be beaten less and practically not shot off. After all, the same processes will be observed in other parties. Where there are women – a critical mass of them, sufficient for changes – there is more pragmatism and less rough stuff.
In turn, you will have to part with a strange belief that politics ‘is not a woman’s business’ and is ‘a dirty game.’ Actually you – the men, are those, who make it dirty. It’s like being in the kitchen. It’s getting more neat there if a woman is involved.
Reason 3. Sexually-erotic

A wife, a partner, a girlfriend will offer you, let’s say, a relationship program, within which you will both feel yourself much more comfortable. She will not simulate anything and will not lay upon you an unbearable burden of expectations.
Instead, she will try to understand your thoughts, hopes and will let you know about her own. She is your reliable sex-partner! If you aren’t, let’s say, hopelessly stereotyped, you pretty well understand the logic of this idea.
This scenario is not for the selfish. Not for the jealous men. And it is not for fools. Thus, there is nothing in this section, that you will have to give up on.
Reason 4. It is associated with emotional comfort

A feminist wife will strongly encourage you to pay more attention to the children. No guarantee, that she would not ask you to get up and check them in the middle of the night. Empty a night-pot or cook a porridge.
She will not force you out of the children’ room, staking out her little power. She will not shoulder you aside, forcing you out of the children’s room or the kitchen.
She will generously share with you the joy (toil) of communicating with your common treasure. And you will always be ‘one of the gang’ there!
When and if you get sick, you won’t reach for a glass of alcohol or a friend, who has come around, but would rather go there –to the children’s room, to the kitchen and the bedroom. And you will complain there about your problems, weaknesses or pain – and you will find an environmentally friendly and very effective solace.
And there are some more bonuses ahead! In your old age, one will asks you: who is your companion? And that’s your daughter, who always finds it interesting to communicate with you. Or a son – he appreciates your advice so much.
When you and your feminist wife (explicit or latent) get old, what you will memorize, will be a mutual support, rather than mutual insults.
What does one need for that? The only thing required is to clean out one’s consciousness from a ‘womanish job’ stereotype. There is no such job! There’s just something that needs to be done. So, do it.
Reason 5. Evolutionary

Look up and out, man! A cave has been left deep in history. Do not trust your enemies, who whisper in your ear about ‘our traditions’. Upon closer view, their attractiveness is quite doubtful, since they involve the hierarchy.
The latter is good in the army, but not in the family. The evolution imposes rather strict rules. No matter how strong a desire might be to get closer to the glorious past, one has to go with the flow and not to slow down the course of history.
It is so hard to live in a cave, while people around have been long living in houses and apartments!, Fewer ladies are willing to sit there and wait for your (not necessarily) mammoth. A flock of primitive people has greatly thinned out; there are fewer fellows to ride down the animal with.
And there are also lots of inconsistencies: laws, different rights, including the women’s rights. Resisting the march of history isn’t worth the effort.
So, what to do? It’s so simple: just give up on myths! Throw stereotypes on the scrapheap! Live here and now. Evolution will tell you: well done. And you will be filled up with the world of harmony, in consonance with oneself, one’s woman and life. That’s what the progress is.