In Abkhazia, pro-government Telegram channels accused their opposition “colleagues” of promoting LGBT ideology. The accusation was based on the fact that opposition and independent media and channels did not congratulate women in Abkhazia on March 8.
“They have active contracts with Western donors that stipulate strict adherence to LGBT policies, including a gender-neutral agenda, under which celebrating women in the traditional sense is strictly prohibited,” stated the AMRA-life channel.
According to the anonymous authors of this channel, the opposition is “conducting subversive activities by spreading LGBT ideology.”
“Behind the facade of beautiful words about free choice, freedom, and human rights, there is clearly an information attack on natural, traditional values, gender relations, artificially pitting large social groups against each other, undermining the consciousness and psyche of the youth,” AМРА-life fumes.
It is clarified, however, that one opposition channel, “Respublika,” did congratulate women on the holiday, as it is funded by opposition leader Adgur Ardzinba and does not have a clause on gender neutrality in its contract.
At the same time, the list of “LGBT agitators” includes, for example, the personal channel of journalist Eleonora Giloian, who posted a congratulatory message on March 8.
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