The level of use of unlicensed computer programs in Armenia is rather high.
According to last year’s data from the BSA, Armenia ranks third in the world in terms of the number of installed and unlicensed software used, running only behind Venezuela and Zimbabwe – said head of the Armenian Microsoft offices, Liana Korkotyan to Voice of America.
She said that 86% of pc users in Armenia download pirated copies of software and unlicensed programs, which results in a number of negative consequences.
“Software piracy seriously affects the ratings of countries, in particular in the context of international investors, since they always pay attention to the defense of authoring rights and the level of pirating [in the country]. Moreover, this can give rise to cyber security risks,” stated Liana Korkotyan.
She emphasized that it is important to raise the awareness of people and explain to them that it is dangerous to use unlicensed programs.
In the region as well as among former Soviet countries, Armenia is the leader in the level of use of unlicensed software. A number of countries in the region, including Georgia and Russia, have markedly improved their indicators in this field, and the leader of the Armenian offices has requested the public to instead use licensed programs, which will give today’s users more security and prevent piracy.