President Serzh Sargsyan has denied Armenian media reports on alleged tense interrelations between him and the country’s Prime Minister, Karen Karapetyan.
“Those frequent reports on alleged differences and conflicts have been made up,” said President Sargsyan, noting that he knew ‘the authors who staged the report and what they are aiming at’.
There have been speculations in Armenian mass media that Karen Karapetyan would no longer be the Prime Minister and that Serzh Sargsyan would replace him in this post upon expiry of his presidency in 2018.
Under the latest constitutional changes, the Prime Minister will receive the primary mandate, thereby receiving ruling powers.
However, as the Armenian President briefed journalists today, the Armenian Premier, Karen Karapetyan, had no reason to resign. As he pointed out, there was a healthy work environment in his Republican party, as well as in Armenia, in general.