In Abkhazia it is now forbidden to appear in public places in a swimsuit. For violating the ban, you will have to pay a very hefty fine – 6,000 rubles [$85]. The Parliament made appropriate changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses, hoping to find a compromise between the interests of tourism and the moral values of Abkhazians.
They will be fined for appearing on the streets or parks in a swimsuit, swimming trunks or with a bare torso.
“The presence of a large number of vacationers and tourists significantly replenishes our budget, but we should not forget about our national mentality. Many believe that if they are at the resort, then it is not necessary to pay attention to their appearance, and they allow themselves to walk in swimsuits not only on the beaches or in places designated for swimming, but also in public places, and men just walk in shorts , with a naked torso. All this causes indignation not only of the older generation, but also of young people from the local population, since in our society it is not accepted to be dressed in a similar way in public places”, an explanatory note to the draft law reads.
The ban applies not only to tourists, but also to local residents themselves.
“Based on the experience of a number of country-resorts, I consider it necessary to introduce an amendment that prohibits guests and residents of Abkhazia from being in public places dressed in an inappropriate manner,” deputy Daut Khutaba, who presented the bill, said.
In order for Abkhaz cities to prepare information stands warning tourists about new rules of behavior, the law will enter into force on August 1.
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