1 new update

Russia-Ukraine war. Timeline of events, April 26-28

  • Summary of events by 22.30: Russia launched a missile attack on Kyiv, where the meeting of the UN Secretary General and the President of Ukraine took place

  • The United States will confiscate and sell the property of Russian oligarchs

  • European companies “use loopholes to pay for gas in rubles”

  • UN Secretary General in Borodianka: "War is evil"

  • Summary of events by 10.00: Russia accused of kidnapping Ukrainian journalists

  • Summary of events by 23.30: Putin threatens to "react" to the West's intervention in the war in Ukraine

  • "We will sue Gazprom" - Poland

  • Putin promised the West a "lightning" response for interfering in Ukraine

  • Russia builds up military presence in Izyum

  • Summary of events by 10.30: Russia cuts off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria, numerous explosions went off in Russia

  • Summary of events to 23.00: Germany sends Ukrainian armored vehicles, Russia threatens to divide Ukraine into multiple states

  • Press conference of Secretary General Guterres and UN head Russian Foreign Ministry Lavrov ended in Moscow. What did the diplomats achieve?

  • The Kremlin will have its own tribunal for Ukraine, it may be announced on May 9th. The process is planned to be carried out in the occupied territory

  • Two explosions went off in unrecognized Transnistria. Antennas broadcasting Russian radio are out of order.

  • Summary of events by 10.30: US is reluctant to impose sanctions against "Putin's secret mistress", UK cancels quotas on Ukrainian goods

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