1 new update

Russia-Ukraine war. Timeline of events, April 3-4

  • Summary of events by 23.30: German President: "It was a mistake not to believe that Putin would bring about the complete collapse of his country for the sake of his imperial madness"

  • Summary of events by 16.00: Russia uses Georgia to smuggle sanctioned goods, including military equipment - Ukraine

  • Summary of events by 09.30: Several Western countries support ICC's investigation of Russian crimes in Ukraine

  • Summary of events by 23.30: "I am deeply shocked by the images of civilians killed in Bucha" - UN Secretary General

  • Vigil for the victims in Bucha in Ukraine at the Ukrainian embassy and a mass rally near the parliament in Tbilisi. Photo report

  • Summary of events by 14.30: 11 mayors held captive by Russian troops - Ukrainian authorities; number of children killed in war in Ukraine rises to 158

  • Summary of events by 10.30: "Russia accepted draft peace treaty, except for the proposal on Crimea" - Ukranian delegation head; draft peace treaty is not ready yet - Medinsky

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