On 28 July, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a statement in response to the US’ sanctions. It came after the US Senate’s vote on 27 July on tougher sanctions against Russia as well as the ban on the president lifting the sanctions without the support of the Congress.
The statement says:
“The new bill is proof to the fact that relations between the US and Russia have become hostage to the US home political confrontation. The aim of the new law is to gain unfair advantages for the US in global economy through political means.”
The Russian response is as follows:
The American embassy staff in Moscow is denied access to the summer cottage on the outskirts of the Russian capital;
The US embassy in Moscow is denied access to a warehouse;
The US diplomatic missions staff in Russia is to be cut to 455.
Experts believe that the US and EU sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbass and shooting down the Malaysian Boeing have caused substantial damage to the Russian economy, which is lacking about USD 200 billion due to new credit restrictions, reports New York Times.
The bill will come into effect after it is signed by President Trump.