Azerbaijan has the highest prices for premium petrol compared to neighbouring countries such as Georgia or Russia, Turan News Agency writes. Unlike petrol of other grades, premium (95 octane) is imported to Azerbaijan, making it more expensive.
Prices went up again this week. Previously, a litre of AI-95 premium petrol cost 1.25 manat (USD 0.70), whereas now the price has increased to 1.50 manat (USD 0.88) per litre.
Turan News Agency used a price table at to compare the petrol prices in Azerbaijan to those in neighboring countries and to average salaries in the region. The average salary in Azerbaijan equals 340-350 litres of premium petrol per month, while the average Georgian salary equals 421 litres.
In other words, premium fuel in Azerbaijan is the most expensive among all of its neighboring countries.
Petrol prices have risen three times over the past year in Azerbaijan, with the last two increases occurring in July and November 2017.